Why these buildings?
The buildings were selected for their variety: some are architectural gems (Meredith and Ailman block, Palace Hotel), some don’t even exist (the Abraham Block). Some were chosen in part because of the person that built or occupied them, and others because of their interest and larger cultural value.
All buildings in a place tell stories. That story consists of an individual narrative for each structure and of an overall narrative. We have seen Bullard Street contain the essential parts of the mining industry, be a major commercial center for offices of professionals, give shelter to automobile agencies and groceries and movie theaters. That larger story, the overall narrative, can often be the one that “makes sense” of the present buildings.
The final selection was the availability of documented history that could be verified stories.
Buildings Along Your Walk
South Bullard Street
300 Lowe and Hann Coal, Transfer and Storage Company
202 Martin Bremen House
North Bullard Street
107 Abraham Block
201-203 Meredith and Ailman Block
204-208 Peter Wagner Block
211 Charles Schutz Building
217 L.C. Parker Building
300-306 Vesely Building
311 Silco Theater
405 J.C. Penney Company Building
406 El Sol Theater
408-412 C.T. Ross Building
508-520 Schutz-Brent Building
511 Isaac N. Cohen House
614 Bennett Motor Company
619 Clifton Chevrolet
703 Edge of Downtown
820 College Service Station